Creating Ritual
I have noticed in myself the struggles that come with this change in my routine. Not going to a building when I am working, working from my home space, not “going out” so much to public places except, of course, the grocery store. For me, gathering with my faith community has generally been a source of comfort and strength. Even that is no longer possible at least for now.
I have set about to create a few rituals in my own home-space. I write in my journal every morning. I begin that writing with 10 items about which (or whom) I am thankful. I begin there every day, with thankfulness. It has helped. However, any practice that keeps us grounded or reminds us of the sacred-nature of our time can become a “ritual,” practiced regularly as a source of comfort and peace.
Other suggestions:
- Light a candle with your evening meal (or any meal) and speak aloud something good about the day.
- Place a reminder of important people or experiences or God or whatever on your bedside table to catch your eye before you go to sleep and when you first wake-up. Pause to be mindful when you see the reminder.
- Calendar a time regularly to call people (or text or Snapchat or instagram) about whom you care.
- Set a timer on every hour to remind you just to “breathe yourself into the moment.”
- Add a meaningful reading to your morning practice.
- Take a walk everyday and notice the things in your neighborhood you haven’t before. List one thing you noticed in your journal.
- Write in a journal. Find a prompt and just let whatever words flow from you go on the paper.
Create a ritual for yourself today. See if it helps.
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