
Showing posts from 2021

Deepening Infinite Preciousness Practice

If you have chosen to give Infinite Preciousness Practice a try, I want to invite you to some deeper reflection that may help you better "hear" the message of the practice. Today I woul like us to take a look at the first phrase: I am infinitely precious. Take a breath and speak this singular phrase to yourself. Is there resistance from within to the message of the phrase? Where do you feel that resistance arising, that is, can you locate that resistance in your body? Is there other internalized messaging that is pushing back against this message of infinite preciousness? Is there an image or "voice" related to this resistance? What image? Whose voice? As you reflect on these questions, gently offer love and acceptance to that part of you that resists feeling infinitely precious. How does that feel to you? Does that silent offering of love and acceptance change that feeling within? Remember, this is not an attempt to "fix" yourself an

Infinitely Precious Practice

I am convinced that most of us find it difficult to believe in our own preciousness, let alone the preciousness of everything and everyone. So as I was sitting in meditation today, I wondered if we might benefit from affirming preciousness in practice, using as an outline the personal pronouns. The practice might look something like this: Still the mind, body, and emotions with a moment of attentive breathing in and out. Repeat each of the following to ourselves with a pause between each. We might use each phrase as an opportunity to visualize who/what to which we are referring in the phrase. I am inifintely precious. [pause] You are infinitely precious. [pause] It/She/He is infinitely precious. [pause] They are infinitely precious. [pause] You are infinitely precious. [pause] We are infinitely precious. [pause] Perhaps this practice might open a deeper sense of preciousness of self and others.